Street Address:
Postal Code:
Please provide a brief description of your business/organization and purpose of the Website
Provide current or desired domain name:
Who is the current registar? (Skip if unknown/Not applicable))
Where (with what company) is your site currently being hosted? (If it's through Team Elevation, please write Team Elevation)
If you currently have a site, approximately how many pages does your current site have?
If you answered No, in how many languages will your site be offered?
What colors best represent your Organization? (will be used on the Website)
Reference site/materials
Copy/Paste existing links of websites that you like. This will help us know your preferences.
I’d like a specific navigation or menu type:
What is the purpose of your site (who do you want to target)?
II. General Content
Complete each section including a page count for each item so that we can provide you with an accurate estimate.
NOTE: One page of web content is equivalent to a 1 page Word document with 1-inch margins in 10 pt Arial Font.
General info: About / Mission / Bios, etc...
General info: FAQ's, Schedule info, Directions, etc...
FORMS - please indicate online forms you will need to collect data from visitors / members or to purchase products. Each form will email the form content to a specified email address.
III. Graphics & Media
Will there be a Media section? (If No, skip to Site Management & Admin section)
Estimated # of clips:
How often will this be updated?
Other Media Needs
IV. Site Management & Admin
Please indicate which scenarios you anticipate for administering information on your site and establishing the hosting, email and database services needed.
Site Hosting
Please provide any specific requirements for feature functionality, content, programming or design. Please be as specific and descriptive as possible, we will develop your quote based on the information in this Worksheet and information may be augmented through telephone consultation with Team Elevation.